The Hianuo Technology is prized “Outstanding Exhibition Enterprises” Reward.
In celebrating the 70th anniversary of PRC and coherent to the speech spirit of Premier Xi in contributing the Mid China economy,the Shanxi Industry Innovation Exhibition held from 18th October to 24th in the great Shanxi Exhibition Hall.
This Exhibition continue the theme of“Innovation,Smart,Environmental,Premium” and displayed 9 main sections including “electronic information, big data, equipment manufacturing, new materials, consumer goods, green energy, green manufacturing, new energy vehicles, and innovation and development”.
As a representative new material Enterprise in Shanxi, our company was successfully elected to attend this exhibition. This exhibition area focus on displaying key products and technologies that covered fields of new metal materials, new chemical materials, new inorganic non-metallic materials, cutting-edge new materials, aluminum-magnesium alloys, and new building materials. There are 155 key products and 61 categories from 21 companies in display.
After the Exhibition, The Shanxi Government Bureaucracy institution of “Information Technology”formally award our company the “Outstanding Exhibition Enterprise”Prize.
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